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Making Memories on the Water

Making Memories on the Water

TopSide Marinas is about creating lifelong memories. So, in this blog, we have brought you a list of some family activities enjoyable in, on, and by the lake! 1.  The Classic: Lake Swimming Swimming might seem too much of an obvious activity to be worth mentioning in...

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Always Choose the Perfect Boat: Recreation Boating Guide.

Always Choose the Perfect Boat: Recreation Boating Guide.

Do you wish to rent a boat for the weekend? Do you have no clue what boat is right for you? No worries, because this post will walk you through the popular types of boats that can be rented at a marina. Pick the perfect boat for your perfect weekend! Pontoon Boat  A...

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Learning Boat Ramp Etiquettes

Learning Boat Ramp Etiquettes

Etiquette is thought to be very important in our society. It is defined as “the customary code of polite behavior in society” by the dictionary. We all learned table manners as children- “Use your utensils”; “Don’t stuff your mouth”; “Chew with your mouth closed.”-...

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All around, boating can promote health and wellness.

All around, boating can promote health and wellness.

Living through the pandemic in 2020, everyone experienced the feeling of being trapped within the premise of their house. Even homebodies were yearning to have a night out with friends. Gladly, it seems like boating was the answer many found to satisfy their craving...

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